Call for Applications: Urgent Response to COVID-19

Funding summary

Please note: The application period has closed.

Funds Available: Up to $5 million total is available to support multiple projects. Award amounts will be dependent upon the number of proposals received and funding amount requested.


Funding Details: The Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) seeks to support health partners across Wisconsin in the immediate response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eligible applicants may be Wisconsin-based, IRS tax-exempt 501(c)3 or government organizations and/or eligible Medical College of Wisconsin School of Medicine Principal Investigator(s) supporting COVID-19 response efforts. Applications must focus on efforts to support prevention, risk reduction, or minimizing virus transmission. Successful applications will provide a clear plan for how lives will be immediately impacted and health promoted in project efforts related to COVID-19.

application resources

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  Who can apply for the Call for Applications: Urgent Response to COVID-19 opportunity?

This opportunity is open to either a primary community partner or an MCW School of Medicine Principal Investigator (MCW PI). AHW encourages collaboration with partners who have the necessary experience, influence, and expertise to effectively carry out the proposed project. For full eligibility details, please see the Eligibility section of the RFA.

  What are the compliance requirements of this funding opportunity?

Please see the Funded Project Compliance Overview (PDF) for full compliance details.

  What are allowable expenses under this funding opportunity?

Funds can only be used for direct project-specific expenses and may not be used for things like lobbying, alcohol, or entertainment. For further information, see AHW's full list of allowable expenses and funding restrictions.

In addition, AHW funds may not supplant funds or resources otherwise available. Please see AHW Supplanting Criteria (PDF) for details.

  How long does the application process take? When will award announcements be made?

Because the COVID-19 pandemic requires immediate action, AHW has established the following timeline:

  • March 30, 2020
    • Applications due
  • Early April 2020
    • Award determinations
  • Mid-April 2020
    • ​​​​​​​Award Start

Have Questions?

We’re here to help. For questions or further information on this funding opportunity, contact Christina Ellis at

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8701 W Watertown Plank Road,
Milwaukee, WI 53226-0509
(414) 955-4350