Partner Portal

At AHW, we work to assure that our partners can implement successful research, education, and community projects while assuring we steward the financial resources of our endowment on behalf of people of Wisconsin.

Partner login

To assist our partners in connecting, collaborating, and sharing documents and reports, AHW offers an online grant management system managed through the Salesforce platform.

If you have trouble accessing your project’s collaboration space, please contact your AHW Program Manager.

AHW Grant Management System

Please use this system if you have attended an orientation session and have received login information from your program manager.


Partner Resources

Grant Management System Orientation Sessions

Individuals on actively funded AHW projects are invited to join regular overviews of the AHW Grant Management System (Salesforce). General sessions will include how to access and navigate the system and manage your grant via the platform, including how to access file libraries, upload files and reports, submit change requests, and more.

Upcoming Orientation Dates
  • Tuesday, April 8, 9:00 - 9:45 a.m.
  • Tuesday, May 13, 3:00 - 3:45 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 18, 11:00 - 11:45 a.m.



Frequently Asked Questions

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  Where can I find documents and forms to manage my funded project?

All documents and forms to manage your AHW funded project are accessible through the AHW Grants Management Sytem. After logging into the system, you will find your materials in the Libraries section on the home screen.

If you have any questions about how to access the Libraries section of about a specific document or form, please contact your AHW program manager.


  What do I do if I forget my username or password?

Your username is your email address plus ahw (i.e. johnsmith@mcw.eduahw). If your username is not working when adding the ahw at the end, please contact your AHW program manager.

To reset your password, go to the AHW Grant Management System login page and select Forgot your password? Enter your username to receive an email to reset your password.

  How do I navigate the system?

The AHW Community User Guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you navigate the system, including logging in, navigating to your funded project, submitting a project change request, and accessing your project reporting materials. You can find the most up-to-date version of the AHW Community User Guide by logging in to the AHW Grant Management System and navigating to the User Guides folder within the Libraries section of the homepage.

  How can a new project team member get access to the system?

Please email your assigned AHW program manager with the new project team member's name, email address, and indicate which project(s) or proposal(s) the individual needs access to. Your assigned AHW program manager will work with you and the new project team member to ensure that they can access the system.

AHW Logo

8701 W Watertown Plank Road,
Milwaukee, WI 53226-0509
(414) 955-4350