
Project Zero: Every One Matters

Improving response to and prevention of suicide in the Fox Valley region

Full Project Name:Project Zero: Every One MattersPrimary Community Organization:Winnebago County Health DepartmentPrimary Academic Partner:Sara Kohlbeck, MPH, Comprehensive Injury CenterPrincipal Investigator:Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH, Emergency MedicineAward Amount:316,760
Award Date
Project Duration:42 months

Project Description Narrative:

In the Fox Valley region of Wisconsin, suicide rates have increased 66% over the last decade. Suicide rates are highest among middle-age men, individuals in certain professions, veterans, and the LGBT community. Local health and behavioral health care systems lack the tools and capacity to properly manage patients who are at risk for suicide. In addition, nearly 50% of mental health care providers in the region feel they lack adequate training to manage suicidal patients.

Through this award, project partners aim to reduce the rate of suicide in the tri-county region by implementing a Zero Suicide framework to improve the ability of the health care systems beyond psychiatry, as well as and non-clinical systems, such as workplaces, to support individuals in crisis and prevent suicide.

Community partners: NEW Mental Health Connection's Zero Suicide Initiative, Samaritan Counseling Center, Zero Suicide Initiative, Ascension, ThedaCare, UW-Madison Division of Extension Winnebago County

Project Updates:

  • Convened the Adult Suicide Death Review (ASDR) team to review the Suicide Investigation Form data and interviews and engaged three healthcare systems to analyze trends that could prevent future tragedies
  • Closed the Mind Your Wellness Survey and began analyzing data to better understand trends in adult mental health, suicide related behavior and lifestyle choices with plans to present the data back to the community and use it to enable providers to create programs and services directly tailored to the struggles identified by those living in the region
  • Launched the Community Crisis Response Team (CCR Team) which pairs a county mental health professional with a city police officer and partnered with a second county to provide data analysis support for the co-responder model to provide valuable information on different models in a similar geographic area for an alternate response to mental health/suicide crisis
  • Partnered with the John D. Mason Gunshop Project, a local suicide prevention non-profit, as well as the local Veterans Affairs to further populate the interactive safe storage map and provide suicide prevention training to gun shop and range owners

AHW Logo

8701 W Watertown Plank Road,
Milwaukee, WI 53226-0509
(414) 955-4350

